The Calcutta Chromosome

by Amitav Ghosh

I just finished reading the book and it left me with a real, physical feeling of uneasiness and probably a hint of nausea; although it might be attributed to my fasting since I was too keen to finish the book, or I am in trouble. But let us stick with... [Read More]
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The Namesake

by Jhumpa Lahiri

To read this book was a painfully sweet agony. The manner in which Jhumpa Lahiri has chronicled the events and emotions of her characters is sickeningly genuine. It would suffice to say that I could not have written such an account of my own life. Her prose is so effervescent... [Read More]
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The Guide

By R. K. Narayan

The guide is an engaging tale that follows the life of Raju through his childhood, death of his father, taking over his business, finding his own feet as a guide, and then squandering his life and relations by falling in love with a girl, his rise and fall again, and... [Read More]
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Three Men on the Bummel

by Jerome K. Jerome

Three Men on the Bummel is a hilarious account of three friends on a cycling journey through the German Black Forest. Digressions in the form of ludicrous anecdotes do away with the need for an overall plot; and this is Jerome’s unique style that was first seen in his hugely... [Read More]
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